iCAD is creating a world where cancer can’t hide.
At this year’s European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2024) in Vienna, Austria, iCAD demonstrated how the ProFound AI Breast Health Suite enables medical providers to detect cancer earlier and more accurately, improving patient outcomes. The demonstrations highlighted the new release of its AI-powered ProFound Detection workflow solution, while showcasing its full Breast Health Suite.
Highlights included:
- Several clinical data and presentations, including an award-winning poster.
- Product demonstrations of a new features that have been highly requested by radiologists.
- A dynamic exchange with our partners and opportunity to celebrate our collaboration.

New Clinical Data
RPS1202: Adding Artificial Intelligence (AI) Case Malignancy Scoring in a Breast Screening Program to Reduce Screen-Reading Workload: A Retrospective Study.
The study conducted by A. Nitrosi et al. at the Reggio Emilia Breast Screening Program in Italy showed that implementing ProFound AI-CMS could substantially reduce the number of human readings and workload by 24.8% to 30.6%, with a modest improvement in recall rate and no increase in false negatives observed with 10% and 15% Case Score thresholds.
RPS2305: Retrospective Evaluation of Interval Breast Cancer: Can the Number of Interval Carcinomas be Reduced Utilizing AI Diagnostic Software? In this study conducted by Jonas Subelack et al., researchers from the University of St. Gallen and Krebsliga Ostschweiz in Switzerland and Radiologie am Theater in Germany suggested that integration of the AI solution ProFound AI into mammography screening could help reducing the Interval Cancer Rates.
RPS 2405: Adding Artificial Intelligence (AI) Case Malignancy Scoring in a Breast Screening Program to Overcome Delay in Most Probably True Positive Cases: A Retrospective Study. The retrospective study at the Reggio Emilia Breast Screening Program in Italy led by A. Nitrosi showed that reading screening exams above certain Case Score thresholds identified 61% to 89% of screen-detected cancers while requiring only 5.4% to 20% of screening exams to be read. Notably, prioritizing readings of exams with Case Scores above 40% allowed for the recall of the majority (85%) of true positive cases within a short time frame.
ECR 2024 Awarded – Certificate of Merit
E-Poster Presentation – Breast Arterial Calcification (BAC): A Proxy for Medium and Large Vessel Atherosclerotic Calcium. In this retrospective study by C. Parghi et al., researchers investigated the correlation between breast arterial calcification (BAC) as detected by ProFound AI Heart Health on screening mammograms from Solis Mammography and the extent of atherosclerotic disease observed on CT imaging within 12 months of the mammogram. The results suggest that quantitative BAC assessment could offer insight and potentially identify those who need further cardiovascular screening.
Press Release: iCAD Highlights Promising Clinical Data and Showcases Additional Platform Offerings
Exciting Partnership Meeting
The ECR Congress is a great opportunity to meet in person all our great partners who distribute iCAD’s solution throughout the world. Numerous meetings were hosted on our booth demonstrating our Breast AI Solution to their customers.
GE Healthcare featured two workshops presented by Dr. Ballayguier from IGR Paris and Dr. Gräwingholt from Radiologie AM Theatre, showing the impact of using ProFound AI solutions in their daily clinical practice.
Partners joined in a celebration at iCAD’s Cocktail Evening event, which was a fun evening shared with our partners and KOLS, allowing everyone to network and build on existing relationships.

Together, we’re paving the path to a better, healthier world.
iCAD’s presence at ECR 2024 reaffirmed their position at the forefront of innovation. As we look ahead, the promising developments unveiled at ECR 2024 hint at a future where AI continues to play a pivotal role in transforming the way we approach healthcare, particularly in the realm of cancer detection and personalized medicine.
iCAD is used by thousands of providers serving millions of patients, ProFound is available in over 50 countries. Over the last five years, iCAD estimates reading more than 40 million mammograms worldwide, of which nearly 30% are tomosynthesis.
Missed us at ECR2024? Visit our Events page to see where we will be attending next!
Ready to learn more about these real-world success stories? We’d love to talk with you to hear your experiences with and questions about AI-powered mammography.